How The Federal Reserve Is Turning Money Into Debt – Truthloader

The UK and US have pulled off one of the biggest global scams ever using something that is right under our noses, or more specifically in our purses and wallets. Money. Find out how the Federal…

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  1. How the Federal Reserve is turning money into debt –

    You guys requested it so here it is. How the US and UK have pulled off one
    of the biggest global scams of all time using something that is right under
    our noses, or more specifically in our purses and wallets. Money.

    #banking #debt #fedreserve

  2. Can u guys please make a video about the stuff that is happening in Gaza,
    and all the protests that are taking place in London?
    I thought that I came to this channel to update myself with the stuff that
    is taking place around the world, but i didn’t think that it would be the
    other way around.

  3. Look over there , don’t look here , typical ITN smoke and mirrors ! What
    about the Bank of England ?
    Prove that you aren’t just a mainstream safety valve and do a piece on the
    Bradbury pound .

  4. this title doesnt make any sense. money IS debt, necessarily. it is a
    physical representation of debt. the title reads “x is turning debt into
    debt” :/

  5. Ok i have been with Truthloader for nearly 2 years now with the original
    intent of getting factual news about worldly events. This topic they are
    discussing requires at least 8 months of education to actually understand
    and all they did was make it into a big fat controversial fallacy. Unsubbed
    and good riddance 

  6. Yeah 1935 and no debt shouldn’t be in the same sentence together I believe
    At least you corrected yourself and made it *1835 :)

  7. Actually whether or not the FED is federal or “government owned” is beside
    the point. Even government itself functions like a private corporation that
    looks after its “leaders” and its cronies above and beyond the well being
    of the people, though it cons everyone into believing that it’s of the
    people and wields absolute power over the people. But citizens of the US
    and the UK are becomng as impoverished as if we had given a private
    corporation (ie. the US and the UK gov) ALL the power to regulate and rule
    over us – seriously there IS no difference. The idea of “not for profit”
    government IS the biggest con job ever pulled on the people. 

  8. jesus, the complete lack of understanding of basic economics….. there is
    no “real” money, no money that “isnt debt”, all money is debt, the very
    word money is interchangeable with the word debt. “money” is a token used
    to show that “someone” owes you for “something”, this is the system we have
    used since barter because you cant easily divide a cow, you can easily
    divide a stack of notes. money on its own doesnt hold any value, it merely
    holds value in that you can exchange it for services….

    the federal reserve gives out loans to stimulate and balance the economy.
    if they give someone a 10,000 dollar loan, that person then goas and spends
    that loan on “something”. that “something” they spend it on is someone
    elses income. that income then allows that other person to go and purchase
    other things, which is someone elses income, and thus the cycle continues.
    the reserve plays a balancing game trying to keep the amount of spending at
    a stable level so the economy doesnt fall over. too little and you get
    deflation, people want to hold on to their money because they think it will
    be worth more tomorrow, because people arnt spending, that means people
    arnt earning incomes, because one persons spending is anothers income, and
    so the economy grinds to a halt. the reserve thus lowers the interest rates
    on loans to promote more spending to get the economy rolling again. in the
    other direction, you have inflation, where if you slide too far that way
    you get bubbles and the like. both are bad, but in general it is accepted
    that a certain amount of inflation is needed to keep the economy rolling

  9. The creation of the US Federal Reserve is the greatest theft in the history
    of mankind.
    Damn, Mayer Rothschild is so intelligent.

  10. Due to deflationary pressures in recent years, the FR has had no choice but
    to print more money. Otherwise we would no doubt be in the midst of
    another Great Depression. In turn, other major economies have had no
    choice but to increase their own money supplies in order to keep their
    exports competitive. 

  11. Excellent introductory video on the topic. What separates the small time
    truth exposing fish from the real justice seeking people is the ability and
    bravery to criticize the Israeli terrorist state. 2.5 weeks of murder in
    Gaza and no video? Zionists got your tongue?

  12. ŠĩŗĜŕôŵåɭȍҭҭ · Edit

    The Federal Reserve is the BIGGEST monetary scam in human history, ever.
    The only reason that they can get away with it is because the “Sheep are
    asleep”. It’s all just one big corrupted, evil, manipulative, global
    scheme, run by actual sociopaths.

    Good vid by the way.

  13. Forgive me if I don’t get this 100% right but fractional reserve banking is
    pretty outdated and is restricted only to central banks. ( something to do
    with the coinage act) High street banks however since the digital age are
    not bound by FRB or the coinage act. If I go to a high street bank and ask
    for a £10,000 loan, I create that £10,000 out of thin air by simply getting
    the loan. The bank types it into my account and adds the interest I have to
    pay back on currency I created in the first place by requesting the loan. 

  14. This is utter propaganda – designed to manipulate people.

    The Fed(Central Bank) is an institution mandated by government to influence
    the economy. Nothing more. It is a tool.

    The actual problem is the control of government by ‘personal’ interest.
    America, the West, East, South, North, Side-ways etc. is part of the
    oligarchy – which ultimately controls everything. We need to take back our
    institutions and our democracy and FORCE them to represent us. That is all,

    It’s not a fucking mystery.

  15. I’m an avid viewer and I love Truthloader videos. Usually they seem spot on
    but this is the first one I’ve watched that’s left me feeling a little
    sceptical. I’m not sure you can describe inflation as a “hidden” tax as if
    there is something untoward that’s causing it. I’m not an expert but I’ve
    read economics books (both ends of the spectrum) here and there and I’ve
    never heard inflation or the rest of the system described like in this
    video. I have a tendency to agree with the top comment (the angry one) that
    this video unusually comes across as if about 10 minutes of research was

    Despite this I’ll remain loyal and keep watching the channel. Keep up the
    good work guys. 

  16. Way to be cliche, guys. I like this channel because you guys cover things
    from exotic lands I don’t get elsewhere, not to hear about the fed and

  17. I find this video very misleading and generally negative for no real
    reason. When the Reserve makes money it buys back bonds that the banks
    have bought from the government already or swaps for old notes. So they are
    not adding 10 billion dollars to the economy but far less. Inflation is not
    necessarily a bad thing nor is debt. And as far as the huge debt issue
    right now, the system will not collapse because the people who are owed
    money if they tried to sell off their dollars would get only so far before
    they were left with nothing but worthless pieces of paper.

  18. I think subjects like that can’t just be covered up by researching without
    understanding it. When I hear things like “inflation – the hidden taxe on
    the public” I just get angry. You have absolute no idea what you are
    talking about. The only thing what you are doing is raising some
    anti-governmental, anti-american and anti-capitalism moods. And this
    statement comes from someone, who has a very critic view on whats going on
    in politics and economy these days.


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