At an alarming speed the Illuminati are setting up their NEW WORLD ORDER, which they don’t even hide any more, with blatant blasphemy and escalated brainwash…

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  1. Getting as much of truth out as ppl can will help many as eventualy we wont hav any internet we hav been programmed deliberately to depend on internet communications then when it goes down the evil elite think we the ppl will too , dont let this happen be resourceful make a plan NOW

  2. The way you awaken other people to the glory and truth in our lord Jesus Christ is simply by your testimony of how Jesus Christ helped you overcome your personal struggles with the devil and his deceptions. Reading your testimony made me cry, but of tears of joy and happiness. Brother, I'm so glad you have found the truth in Jesus Christ, it is our duty as God's children to spread the word and truth based on scripture. To be saved is to have life after death, that is why people need to wake up.

  3. The devil tried to get me to kill myself earlier this year. He tried to get me to loose all faith and hope…but I'm still here. I was going to load a gun without a doubt, until I asked Jesus to save me. After that everything changed. Then I asked him to open my eyes to how the world works. Now I know about the Illuminati, and so many other things. Now I'm asking him to show me how to open others eyes.

  4. Now enter II Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4…..Of special note “All that is CALLED God or THAT IS WORSHIPPED” out for that which comes after this who defeats it and then calls himself God “shewing” himself that HE is God…

  5. Praise God for the people who speak out!.

    lauren hill,
    dave chappelle,
    katt williams,
    ….and the rest…

    bill cooper’s right..but i know who already won this war!..JESUS!.

    evil is about to meet is end in the LAKE!.

  6. Great video thank you, sharing with others please keep up the good work. If you need to know more, want to learn how to tie this all in with the bible check out Trey Smith Nephilim on YouTube watch his other videos too! It's time we build God's army!

  7. Thank you TrueShockTV for being committed to telling the truth to all. Those who do not believe in the illuminati have already been desensitized to the lies & deception. The only way to know is to seek the truth & most importantly to give your life to Jesus Christ. For He will be the one to determine where you will be for eternity.

  8. I am a Christian and have been studying the NWO for 40 years. Truthshock is the best site of it's kind, a masterful combination of atmospheric music, media clips and scripture. I hope and pray your videos are seen and touch as many people as possible in these last day. I'd love to have the entire set of all your videos on DVD, wish it was available. I've viewed some multiple times online,
    May The Lord Jesus watch over and protect you. your work is inspired

    Art Boston Mass

  9. The Lord is my Shepard.. since I was a child my father has warn me about this and never once I stop keeping my eye on God. Thank you for sharing this video. eve

  10. Great Video!! Wow…this one really opened my eyes to how many young people are being mass targeted because of the age of accountability God gives youth… Satan knows this and this therefore is exactly why they are being targeted so massively. Pray for these young kids souls, that they will become aware of the good and evil around them and Jesus Christ will open their hearts to him!! Thank you God for your unconditional love!

  11. All endings have a new beginning. Lets make this new beginning one of love and freedom, not hate and control. FIGHT THE SYSTEM. spread love and peace. The elite will meet their demise.

  12. greetz from Germany! Sadly to say some know here in Germany about the illuminati but they don't unterstand the evilness behind it. Thank you for your passionate work, God bless you!


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